Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bebai (Bali Voodoo)

person-affected bebai called bebainan.

Bebainan a disease in which the victim possessed something / that magic into his body,Possessed here caused by incomer has and care Bebai.

Example of the victims react to Bebai,,
- Stomach area pain, especially under the navel and above the genitals feel
likes being pierced
- Pain in umbilical solid (enek) feel such a movement,,
- heart side feel such a movement,
- sufferers often collapse when the pain comes/ recurrence.

There are also symptoms such as:
body pains, tingling and sore aching body such as tingling. could also whole body was swollen.

If bebai attack reach your head, such patients would be crazy.
When attacked around the hand / joint-sufferers will scream/ Screaming and seizures.
when attacked in the mouth, the patient will talk with their self, crying ..

Patients with bebai are dificult to held, usually struggling and fighting such as scratching, bitting, hitting, kicking. sometimes great strength is not as usual.

The easy time Bebai will attack;
- Youth at the moment of transition (manhood)
- Into marriage
- Wrote a spoiled child.

Whenever Bebai easily attacked.??
- At the moment coming months teenage girls ..
- blank mind at the moment due to daydream, fantasize, also sometimes when that
person have chaotic mind ..
- Bebai can getting great at a certain time such as Sandikala (Dawn), and the
day before Rerainan,
What are the ingredients to make Bebai;
there are some materials / serana to make Bebai such as:

@ The fetus of a miscarriage.

Fetus of age of 3 months, put into jars, made offerings such as a baby .. ..
when its born,taken to cemetary to get a grace / strength. Since that name was changed to RARE WONG and since it also has become Bebai.

@ Human Brain.
Usually obtained at the moment there was an accident, which at the place its happened no ceremony held, ceremony pengulapan / nebusin ..
Other than the Brain also get some of the skin of the arm, feet ... and then cooked on palm leaves.
made offerings and ready to be Bebai.

@ Kind of pengawak (Object that madden)
Usually made tattoo on palm leaves, then wrapped in cloth to wrap such pengawak Ngaben ngereka at that time.
Planting in the intersection where you can see 4 main wind direction to get power ... this thing will draw energy / power of the people who pass that road.
after 42 days. Brought to Cemetary to get power in a form of Pasupati .. and then became bebai ..

Manufacturing processes bebai is long because it takes up to 210 days, then from that its not easy to obtain Bebai, and the price quite expensive.

Where you can get bebai;
bebai can be traded by their owners. Bebai maintain do-not necessarily for themselves, can also use for other people that dare to give some money to hurt people.
There even wrote a contract with the buyer.
is it enough just sick to a certain time, or until the victim dies.
if bebai completed its mission, it will return to the owner.

Types of Bebai; among others.
I jaya satru, I Inggo, Inumit, I Belog .. each Bebai have a friend up to 27. There bebai of 108 total. accordance with the number of Bhuta.

Bebai Privileges:
- When bebai get into the body of the target, and if the bebai glad to stay
there he'll be able to have children and make bebai family there.
- bebai can be controlled by the owner, and usually diligent work report.
- bebai can deceive the healers, with pretend to obey and go, but went back
after the healers left.
- bebai easily in and out of patient's body as he pleased.
- bebai will stay and go when the victim dies ..

Preventive action;
- Diligent cleaning yard, and yourself.
- Diligent praying and maturan
- Diligent Praying in Penunggu Karang (The Guardian Temple)
- Diligent praying.
- avoid stress.
-hang out and Dont close minded, open up to the parents, do not save the problem

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